Business and Personnel Economics – Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Uschi Backes-Gellner
Bachelor Thesis:
Lecture “Statistics” (Assessment Year)
Lecture “Introductory Econometrics”
Lecture “Introduction to Scientific Working”
Lecture “Business Administration III”
Seminar “Negotiations and Conflict Resolution: Theory and Role Playing” and / or seminar with an empirical focus
Excellent theoretical knowledge in statistics & econometrics
Preferably, some experience with common software packages for data analysis such as Stata
Master Thesis:
Lecture “ME 1: Personnel Economics”
ME Seminar: “Personnel Economics & Empirical Analysis, Part 1 and 2” (or equivalent)
Lecture “Empirical Methods” and/or “Applied Empirical Methods for Business Administration”
Excellent theoretical knowledge in statistics & econometrics
Knowledge of data analysis software Stata is mandatory
If you want to apply for a thesis, contact Patricia Palffy
For further information click here