Chair of Organization and Management – Prof. David Seidl, PhD
Passed an exam or taken a seminar at the Chair of Organization and Management
Participated at the information event on the bachelor’s and master’s thesis (every semester)
Next information event on Bachelor and Master Thesis supervision: October 8th, 2024, 15-16h via Zoom (link will be provided upon registration) --> Registration required, please contact until October 7th, 2024
Application deadlines:
April 30th (to start in autumn)
October 31st (to start in spring)
Will be notified if accepted one week after the deadline has passed
List of topics available at the chair's website
Choose topic carefully (i.e. formulate preliminary ideas on why you are interested in a particular topic and what you already know about it
In special cases can come up with own topics
Application: Send application (CV, grades, topic and motivation to
Contact with supervisor:
Once you have been accepted, you will discuss an concretize your topic area with your supervisor
During the following weeks candidates must hand in a 3 to 4 page exposé of an exemplary topic which includes:
A research question / problem statement
A summary of what you intend to do in this research
Literature review
For further information click here