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Management and Economics of Digital Transformation – Prof. Dr. Luis Aguiar

General information: 
Due to limited capacities and very high demand, get in touch to inquire whether they are available to supervise any additional theses at the moment.

Theses have a more empirical orientation, but especially at bachelor's level, you can also write a literary thesis. 
Writing a thesis in collaboration with a company (e.g. with an internship) is possible. 


Excellent knowledge of statistics and econometrics, some experience with common software packages for data analysis (such as Stata), potentially Internet data extraction tools and techniques. 



  • Thesis must be written in English.


Send your application to at least 1 month before your desired starting month (e.g. start date at beginning of April, send your application before end of February). 

  • Come up with a specific topic and a concrete research idea.

  • Complete the registration form available on the chair's website

  • Research proposal: 2-3 pages, including references. Clearly state the question you want to answer, explain the motivation and objective of your topic. Brief overview of existing literature on the topic and show how your idea relates to it. Describe potential data sources you plan on using in your empirical analysis & outline approach you expect to take in order to conduct your study. 

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)

  • Transcript of Records with courses and grades

  • Which time you would like to write your thesis


For further information click here

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